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$77 USD
How long is the class? 1.5 hr with Live Q&A.
Who can come? Anyone 18+ in your home!
Which technology? All devices are supported.
Is there a replay? Yes, via on-demand video.
I do a new LIVE class every 2 weeks!
Your S.O.S. Self-Healing Masterclass Includes:
  • Video Masterclass  - 90 minute workshop reveals the Science of Self-Healing, Applying Ancient Healing Wisdom and Understanding the Cycles of Consciousness (S.O.S.)
  • LIVE Q&A with Unity - Ask questions directly to author, teacher and faery-godmother life coach, Unity Schmidt for immediate clarity.
  • ​Learn self-healing energy rituals to achieve your goals and reach your best potential
  • ​Learn how to release stress and find inner peace; spiritual wellness for every situation
  • ​New Moon and Full Moon rituals to release blocks and grow your inner magic
  • ​Tools and methods to clear and overcome challenges, with inspiration to stay on track 
My heart-centered clients say

Nancy R: Teacher 

"Unity has helped me build my confidence and grow discover the goddess within me. She has helped me discover my life purpose and get on the right path to live out my dreams. Unity's helped me to speak my truth and live my dreams."

Maria A: Marketing Coordinator

"I have such a feeling of accomplishment. I felt you were there with me every step of the way remembering everything you said and trying to implement those things. I just can't thank you enough. I feel so happy! THANK YOU. You are helping me find my strength!"
Healing with Unity | Copyright ©2005-2020 | All Rights Reserved
762 Upper James Street, Suite 167, Hamilton, ON, L9C 3A2
Video Background Credit:  Relaxation Windows 4K Nature
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